Het verhaal over de miljoenen van Samson Bouesso, deel 2



Nog maar kort geleden schreef ik over ene Samson Bouesso en zijn zus die mij mailden over het kapitaal van hun vader. Ik besloot om er op in te gaan en heb dus even een Gmail account aangemaakt( ik doe dit liever onder een andere naam) en hem terug gemaild. Dit stuurde ik naar Samson toe:

Dear Sir,

Here is my respons on your message. I have red it and I’m sure you have chosen the right person for this. I think we can handle this together. Please let me know how we can fix this problem.

Best regards,

Hendrik Smeets

Nog diezelfde dag kreeg ik de volgende mail terug:

Dear Hendrik Smeets,

We are very happy to receive your reply mail and to hear that you are willing to help us. We thank you so much and we pray that almighty God will bless you and reward you back in multiple folds for your good heart and consideration of our present predicament and you accepted to help us.

As we told you in our first letter to you, our late father deposited this money in a bank here in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. The name of the bank is Bank of Africa(BOA), Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. All the deposit documents which the bank give to our late father on the day he deposited the money are all with us and we have gone to the bank with them and confirmed the deposit and incase you wish to see the documents, you let us know in your reply mail to us so we will scan them and send to you.
But as we went to the bank, the bank manager told us that our late father deposited the money in a fixed deposit and declared the beneficiary as his foreign business partner. But our late father did not introduce his foreign business partner to the bank until he died, so the bank manager asked us to introduce our late father foreign business partner so they will transfer the money to him and since we do not know him and no body has contacted us or been in communication with us for the past 3 years, we decided to contact you to help us, so we will introduce you to the bank as our late father foreign business partner so that the bank will transfer the money into your bank account.
After the bank transfer the money into your bank account, you will help me and my younger sister Peace to come over to your country so that we will embark on the investment of the money through a joint business investment and we also continue with our education in your country. We hope you are capable of handling this project, you know the money involved is a very big amount of money, please assure us in your reply mail of your capability to handle the transfer of the money into your bank account in your country.
Moreso, we will like us to know ourselves very well and also develop much trust and confidence upon each other as future joint business partners. We will like you to tell us more about yourself, your occupation, full names and address, direct telephone number, marital status and also send to us a copy of your identity card or passport and we will do like wise to you. As we know ourselves very well, we will introduce you to the bank so the bank will proceed to transfer the money into your bank account. We really want to do this transaction with one mind and strong unity with you. call us with this number +225*********** waiting for your call today.
Thanks and please respond back to us as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,

Samson and sister.

Let op! Hij mailde mij eerst op een ander email adres en sprak mij toen niet aan op mijn eigen naam. Nu mail ik hem vanaf een ander adres terug en het lijkt dus of ik hem reply. Nu spreekt hij me aan met de naam die onder het mailtje staat. Hier blijkt dus uit dat dit waarschijnlijk een massa mail is geweest en hij de bovenstaande mail naar iedereen toestuurt die op zijn eerste mail heeft gereageerd.

Waarschijnlijk krijgt dt verhaal ook een deel 3…

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